Wednesday, 2 April 2008

That's busy-ness for you

This last week has been absolutely manic. Between getting settled back in from Vienna and keeping up with work and class, it's been quite a whirlwind. And this Friday I leave once again for a nice weekend in Dublin with Pete, where we will reconnect with the homeland.

Due to lack of time on my part, I'll quickly gone over new things. Last Thursday had a great night out with my coworkers for a team party. We rented out a room at Imperial China, a great restaurant in nearby Chinatown and ate and karaoked the night away. It was an absolute blast. I feel so lucky to be part of such a fun and tight-knit group of people who've taken the American interns in as their own. Not only do we love to have a party together, but the workday atmosphere around us is great. Professional, yet fun. Our office is very open, with no cubicles and the heads of department mixed in with the rest of us. At first, I was kind of turned off my the whole setup, but have come to really like it. The lines of communication are so open and you really get to know everyone. There are days when I'm sure a quiet cubicle would be nice, but for the most part, I'm loving this unique experience.

Saturday and Sunday were both really great days. I took Pam on a tour of my West Central London "home," around where I work. She has a job out at a set of papers in the western suburbs, so she doesn't get into the city much except to go out at night. So, we decided to spend an afternoon in the Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Soho area, eating at my favorite places, exploring new stores, and just taking the whole thing in. We had lunch at my favorite braisserie across from my work, where I have my "usual" panini. Yes, I go there a lot in order to have a "usual." Pam loved it, of course. Then I perhaps broke all the dieting rules ever created when went to Patisserie Valerie, one of London's most renowned bakeries/patisseries, and each enjoyed a slice of oh-so-delicious-but-an-inevitable-heart-attack cake. I also took her by Candy Cakes, the world's greatest cupcake shop nearby, where we bought a cupcake to share later. Like way after Patisserie Valerie, after our blood sugar levels had finally depleted. All in all, a very fun and tasty experience. We shopped around a bit, looking in new shops. I bought a new pair of pumps, as 3 pairs of shoes have broken in the past couple of weeks, so I had no work shoes.

We went to the Oxford v Cambridge boat races on the Thames that evening, which was really cold and rainy but really fun. Students were tailgating like it was college football season. Ok, maybe not that hardcore, but still was a good time. It draws a huge crowd of people from all over the UK, and even though you only see like 6 seconds of the race as it goes by, it's still cool to get the energy. Oxford ended up winning, which Pam was happy about since she has a friend who goes there. I was impartial. Just there for the tourist-factor.

Sunday we did some more markets, checking out Spitafields, a cool indoor market in east London, then going back up to Camden Markets that I visited earlier in the semester. We both we set on finishing most of our souvenir shopping for everyone, so this definitely was an effective day in that respect.

This week has been a little bit crazy. Tomorrow is the culmination of what I've been working on at work for about the entire semester. It's a huge day with clients that I've helped plan and execute since the beginning, so though I am tired and a bit stressed out about the matter, I can't wait to see how it turns out. It's involved so much networking, organizing and planning on my part, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to come out of it with some good clips and materials to show in future job interiews...happening in about a year...ahhh!

Friday morning, Pete and I will meet up in Dublin, so stay tuned for the Irish adventures of the weekend! I'll try to be better about posting them quicker for you too.

In the meantime, enjoy a couple photos from good ol' Londontown.

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